How to delete apps on an ipad or iphone

Deleting apps from your iPad or iPhone is a simple process that can help you free up storage space and declutter your device. Here’s how to do it:
  1. On your iPad or iPhone, tap and hold the app that you want to delete. The app icons will start to shake, and a small “x” will appear in the top-left corner of each app.
  2. Tap the “x” on the app that you want to delete.
  3. A window will pop up, asking you to confirm that you want to delete the app. Tap “Delete” to confirm.
  4. The app will be deleted from your device.


Some apps, such as pre-installed apps, cannot be deleted. In this case, the “x” will not appear when you tap and hold the app

Buying Guide for how to delete apps on an iPad or iPhone

Determine which apps you no longer need:

Before you start deleting apps, it’s a good idea to take stock of which ones you no longer use or need. This will help you declutter your device and free up storage space.

Tap and hold the app that you want to delete:

To delete an app, tap and hold it until the app icons start to shake and a small “x” appears in the top-left corner of each app.

Tap the “x” on the app that you want to delete:

This will bring up a window asking you to confirm that you want to delete the app.

Confirm that you want to delete the app:

Tap “Delete” to confirm that you want to delete the app. The app will be deleted from your device.

Repeat these steps for each app that you want to delete:

If you have multiple apps that you want to delete, you can repeat these steps for each one. Just make sure to tap the “x” on the correct app each time.


Some apps, such as pre-installed apps, cannot be deleted. In this case, the “x” will not appear when you tap and hold the app.


How do I delete an app from my iPad or iPhone?

To delete an app from your iPad or iPhone, follow these steps:

  • Tap and hold the app that you want to delete until the app icons start to shake and a small “x” appears in the top-left corner of each app.
  • Tap the “x” on the app that you want to delete.
  • A window will pop up, asking you to confirm that you want to delete the app. Tap “Delete” to confirm.
  • The app will be deleted from your device.

Can I delete pre-installed apps?

Some pre-installed apps, such as the App Store and Safari, cannot be deleted from your device. However, you can remove them from your home screen by pressing and holding the app icon until it starts to shake, then tapping the “x” that appears. This will hide the app, but it will still be available on your device.

What happens when I delete an app?

When you delete an app, it is removed from your device and can no longer be used. However, any data associated with the app, such as saved game progress or documents, will not be deleted unless you specifically delete it. You can also reinstall the app at a later time if you want to use it again.

Will delete an app free up storage space?

Yes, deleting an app will free up storage space on your device. This is especially useful if you have a lot of apps that you don’t use or if you have a device with limited storage capacity.

Can I delete apps that I purchased from the App Store?

Yes, you can delete any app that you purchased from the App Store, including paid apps and free apps. Simply follow the steps above to delete the app from your device. If you want to use the app again in the future, you can reinstall it from the App Store.

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