how to stream pc games to ios and android

Streaming PC games to iOS and Android devices allows you to play your PC games on the go, using your smartphone or tablet as a remote display. There are several ways to stream PC games to iOS and Android devices, including using third-party streaming software and using the built-in streaming features of certain gaming platforms.

To stream PC games to iOS and Android devices, you will need a PC with a strong processor and a good internet connection, as well as an iOS or Android device with a good internet connection. You will also need to ensure that your PC and mobile device are connected to the same network.

In this guide, we will discuss some of the different methods you can use to stream PC games to iOS and Android devices, including using third-party software such as Steam Link and Moonlight, and using the built-in streaming features of platforms such as NVIDIA GeForce NOW and Google Stadia.


What do I need to stream PC games to iOS and Android devices?

To stream PC games to iOS and Android devices, you will need the following:

  • A PC with a strong processor and a good internet connection
  • An iOS or Android device with a good internet connection
  • A stable and reliable network connection between the PC and mobile device
  • Third-party streaming software or a gaming platform with built-in streaming capabilities (optional)

How do I set up my PC and mobile device for game streaming?

To set up your PC and mobile device for game streaming, follow these steps:

  • Connect both the PC and mobile device to the same network
  • Install the necessary streaming software or app on both the PC and mobile device
  • Follow the instructions provided by the streaming software or app to pair the PC and mobile device and set up the stream

What are some popular third-party streaming software options for PC game streaming?

Some popular third-party streaming software options for PC game streaming include Steam Link, Moonlight, and Parsec. These software programs allow you to stream games from your PC to your mobile device over a network connection.

Can I use the built-in streaming features of gaming platforms to stream PC games to my mobile device?

Yes, some gaming platforms, such as NVIDIA GeForce NOW and Google Stadia, have built-in streaming features that allow you to stream PC games to your mobile device. These platforms typically have their own dedicated apps for iOS and Android devices that you can use to access the streaming features.

Is it possible to stream PC games to my mobile device without using third-party software or a gaming platform?

It is generally not possible to stream PC games to your mobile device without using third-party software or a gaming platform. These tools provide the necessary infrastructure and functionality to stream games from your PC to your mobile device.

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